Leyla Seka

EVP of Salesforce AppExchange

Leyla Seka is an executive vice president who leads the Salesforce AppExchange, an enterprise cloud marketplace. In this role, she is responsible for driving recruitment, product, go-to-market and other key programs supporting startups and ISVs in the Salesforce ecosystem.

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Growing a Business

5 Reasons to Reimagine How You Offer Customer Support

In the new "era of the customer, innovative companies need to put users -- and their experience -- first.


Use Your Customer Support Staff to Improve Every Aspect of Your Business

Not sure how to improve customer experience? Start with your team already on the front lines.

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6 Ways to Turn Every Customer Interaction Into an Opportunity

Have you ever considered complaints as a way to impress customers and keep 'em coming back?

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A Girl's Guide to Finding an Awesome Mentor (and Being One)

Sixty-seven percent of women rate mentors as extremely important. So why have 63 percent never had one?

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6 Things You Need to Know About Offering Global Support

Finding staff who speak the local lingo is just the start.

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6 Reasons Every Company Needs a Customer Service Roadmap

As your business grows, it's important to have plans in place so you're not caught off guard.

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